Monday, March 24, 2008

I got a bike!`

How crazy am I...

DH and I decided to go crazy and we brought each other push bikes. After the first ride I took a word of advise from a good friend and went and got a good gel seat. My butt is still sore.

We are planning a ride tonight. I think we might just go up to the school so DS#2 can have a go. He is still learning to ride and I think the bike track is a bit too much for him.

Not a lot else happening here. We had a quiet easter and I have the rest of this week off so I am in no hurry to do anything really.

School holidays are happening here right now so I have my 3 darlings home too ;)

Have been stitching a little bit but not heaps. I have had a sore back and can not sit in my stupid crappy old chair for too long so end up going to bed early and reading which isn't a bad thing but I want to stitch. The kids have all been told normal bedtimes tonight and I might try stitching in the PC chair it is way more comfortable. We have been cruising the junk mail for a good lounge suite deal but need to save some more money first. What I want isn't in the budget pages put it that way.

Dinner is on and I think I might go sort out something to stitch tonight.

The weather is turning here and we are expecting rain all week. It is a little overcast now and rained for all of 5 minutes earlier but we really need a good heavy rain. The lawns are dead and I am saving all the abth wather for the plants but am tired like you all are I guess of trips from the bathroom to the garden. The weather man said we should get a thunder storm tonight but I am not holding my breath. I wish we did I love thunder storms.

Stay safe all

Charmaine it is good to see you back online...


Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm SO excited

Because I got a dishwasher!

Not very thrilling to some BUT to me it is HUGE. I have wanted one for years but there has always been something more important but yesterday we decided what the heck and went out and got one. She is beautiful. She is shiny stainless steel. I would have settled for white but what a shame they did not have any in stock to take there and then so Stainless it was.

I have only done 2 loads in her but so far she is a beaut.

Apart from that not a lot happening here. We are on a mission to have a mega pre winter clean up. Both in doors and out. We have been busy bees cleaning and throwing. I just keep coming home with stuff... I got a rice cooker on Friday at one of the electrical shops we went to on the great dishwasher hunt for $19. so Friday night was fried rice for tea. I also snagged a sandwich press for $27 down from $59 we love the toasties and foccacias.

I am home Tuesday so plan a kitchen revamp to get rid of junk and make room for the new appliances. I brought some fabric for new kitchen valances so might even get energetic and make those too.

Not going away for the long weekend next week. I am working Monday morning and it is my nieces 17th birthday Saturday so we going there Sunday for a BBQ lunch.

Best keep moving I need to figure out something for dinner. Toasties and rice? LOL

Have a good one all
