Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just another Tuesday...

Feeling a bit ordinary today. I have a head cold and it is really windy and hot which inst helping.

I have some sudafed but they dry me out SO much I feel like I am dehydrating. I might cut back on the dose a bit and try that??

Jakes bones have moved just not sure if they are int he right spot yet or not. We will not know for sure until the 29th. He isn't in as much pain but there is still pain if you know what I mean? Poor bugger is over it.

Found out last night the kids all have tomorrow off for a teachers strike GGRRRRR Mum has said she will have them but they get bored down there. luckily I am only working till 2 so thats not too bad.

Ok off to sit and stitch for a while. I have hung a load and have another in the machine then I am up to date with washing woo hoo.

Stay safe all


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